Thursday, June 24, 2010

Desert Island ATC to Trade

This ATC is for trade. It has a vinyl motif in the centre of a desert Island and I've added some 'sea water' and fish to the edges. Please leave a comment here or email me (on profile) if you'd like this, or any of the ATCs.


  1. You are full of life and inspiration-- I hope you realize that. :)

  2. I haven't done any ATCs in ages and ages! But thanks for coming by and commenting on my birthday blog post today! So glad you get your kids together from time to time too. Not enough right? As for how long I have, I've no idea. Just want to enjoy each day as it comes. Every time I wake up I feel like it's a birthday now! It's all icing on the cake! You look terrific too! ;-)
    Keep on enjoying it all. Hugs from me. Thanks for coming by.
