Thursday, September 24, 2009

R is for Razzle Dazzle, T is for Texture

These are the next 2 in our ABC/ATC Group, so not for trade:

R is for Razzle Dazzle

This Razzle Dazzle Lady went to Teri. She was a material motif and I jazzed her up with glitter pens, bobbles in her hair and pink woolly shoe laces! I love her snobby poodle too.

T is for Texture

T is for Texture. I went back to my college days and stuck on various materials then heated them up with a hot wand to see what would happen. The piece of cellophane over the top gives the whole thing a lovely sheen.


  1. Hi there BT - I love your work - it is so vibrant and cheerful - I am glad you checked in so I now know about your blog - I will add it to my list!

  2. These are great! I'm enjoying your work and blog!
